- Čo je Tamarind?
- Pôvod Tamarindu
- 7 zdravotných výhod tamarindu
- 1. Môže zmierniť poškodenie pečene
- 2. Môže pomôcť odlupovať a zosvetliť vašu pokožku
- 3. Môže pomôcť pri redukcii hmotnosti
- 4. Môže zmierniť bolesť žalúdka a zápchu
- 5. Môže kontrolovať hypertenziu a podporovať zdravie srdca
- 6. May Help Manage Diabetes and Hyperglycemia
- 7. Can Help Prevent Malaria And Microbial Diseases
- Did You Know?
- Nutritional Value of Tamarind
- How To Use And Store Tamarind
- Different Forms Of Tamarind
- Does Tamarind Have Any Side Effects Or Risks?
- Conclusion
- Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
- 15 sources
Tamarind je kyslo-sladký ovocný struk. Vo veľkej miere sa používa v indickej a africkej kuchyni. Používa sa tiež v niekoľkých ázijských a stredovýchodných prípravkoch.
Tamarind dodáva jedlu pikantne sladkú príchuť. Výťažky z tohto ovocia sa v starej medicíne používali na liečenie uhryznutí hadom, malárie, cukrovky, zápchy a viacerých akútnych a chronických stavov.
V tomto príspevku preskúmame viac o tamarinde a rôznych spôsoboch, ako ho môžete zahrnúť do svojej stravy.
Čo je Tamarind?
Strom tamarindu ( Tamarindus indica ) pochádza z tropickej Afriky. Bol predstavený pred veky rokmi v Indii. Indiáni ju prijali tak dobre, že sa stala (takmer) domorodou pre ich krajinu. Názov pochádza z perzského slova nazývaného tamar-I-hind (čo znamená „indický dátum“) (1).
V španielčine a portugalčine sa nazýva „tamarindo“ a vo francúzštine „tamarin“, „tamarinier“, „tamarinier des Indes“ alebo „tamarindier“. Ide o „tamarinde“ v nemčine a „tamarandizio“ v taliančine. V Indii je známy ako „ambli“, „imli“, „chinch“ alebo tamarind. V Kambodži je to „ampil“ alebo „khoua me“ a „ma-kharm“ v Thajsku. Vo vietnamčine som len „ja“. Používa sa v rôznych kuchyniach po celom svete, preto existuje niekoľko názvov.
Pôvod Tamarindu
Tamarind je mylne považovaný za indický pôvod. Tento botanický názov, indica, tiež podporuje tento mýtus. Strom však bol naturalizovaný na Havaji okolo roku 1797.
Predpokladá sa, že tamarind bol zavlečený do tropickej Ameriky, na Bermudách, na Bahamách a v Západnej Indii oveľa skôr.
Pomaly rastúci obrovský strom tamarindu prináša plody podobné strukom. Tieto struky obsahujú vysoko kyslé (a veľmi ostré) mäso. Mäkké, belavé, málo vyvinuté semená sú obalené v týchto tobolkách.
Po dozretí sa tobolky stanú šťavnaté. Buničina zhnedne, je lepkavá a vláknitá. Vonkajšia koža sa mení na ľahko prasknutú škrupinu. Semená rastú tvrdo a lesklo hnedo.
Pri varení sa hojne používa surové aj zrelé ovocie tamarindu. Používa sa ako prísada do kari, omáčok, pestov a dipov. Tamarind sa tiež varí s ryžou, rybami a mäsom ako hlavnou zložkou niektorých kuchýň.
Inými slovami, tamarind si nájde cestu takmer do každej kuchyne.
Čo by však mohlo byť dôvodom jeho globálnej popularity? Nemôže to byť len kvôli jeho chuti, však?
Pravdaže. Tamarind je známy pre svoje niekoľko terapeutických vlastností. Slúži ako vynikajúce preháňadlo a karminatívum. Má tiež silné protizápalové a antiseptické vlastnosti.
Tamarind sa tradične používa na liečbu bolesti brucha, hnačiek, dyzentérie, hojenia rán, zápalov a horúčky (1). Tiež sa predpokladá, že pomáha pri liečbe bolesti kĺbov, bolesti hrdla, astmy, opuchnutých kĺbov, konjunktivitídy a hemoroidov.
Ďalšia časť je o výhodách tamarindu. Skontrolovať to!
7 zdravotných výhod tamarindu
Tamarind je známy domáci liek na liečenie zápchy, cukrovky, zdravia pokožky a mikrobiálnych infekcií. Je tiež dokázané, že pomáha pri chudnutí a predchádza kardiovaskulárnym chorobám. Poďme potvrdiť tieto viery niekoľkými vedeckými dôkazmi.
1. Môže zmierniť poškodenie pečene
Chronický zápal v tele nepriamo ovplyvňuje vašu pečeň. V štúdii sa potkanom s artritídou podával extrakt zo semien tamarindu. Výsledky preukázali zníženie oxidačného stresu v pečeni (2).
Aktívne prokyanidíny v extrakte tamarindu pôsobili proti poškodeniu pečene voľnými radikálmi. Zaznamenalo sa tiež zníženie hladín zápalových markerov, ako je glutatión, celkové tioly, glutatiónperoxidáza a reduktáza (2, 3).
Minerály nachádzajúce sa v tamaríne - ako je meď, nikel, mangán, selén a železo - sa podieľajú na zlepšení obrany vášho tela pred oxidačným stresom. Selén spolu s vitamínom E chráni obsah lipidov v pečeňových bunkách pred napadnutím voľnými radikálmi (3).
2. Môže pomôcť odlupovať a zosvetliť vašu pokožku
Dužina ovocia tamarindu sa odpradávna používa ako prírodný peeling na pokožku. Podporuje hladšiu a ľahšiu pokožku vďaka prítomnosti alfa-hydroxylových kyselín (AHA). Medzi AHA v tamarindovej buničine patrí kyselina vínna (8–23,8%), kyselina mliečna (2%), kyselina citrónová a kyselina jablčná. Tieto AHA, spolu s pektínom a invertovaným cukrom, hydratujú a zvlhčujú vašu pokožku (4).
Hovorí sa, že tamarindová buničina má vlastnosti zosvetlenia pokožky. Uskutočnila sa štúdia s 11 dobrovoľníkmi mužského pohlavia, aby sa zistil vplyv extraktu zo semien tamarindu na tón pleti. Semenný extrakt sa nanášal / masíroval dvakrát denne na ich tváre počas 12 týždňov (4), (5).
Po aplikácii testovaného produktu došlo k relatívnemu poklesu obsahu melanínu a kožného mazu v koži. Možno to pripísať prítomnosti antioxidačných polyfenolov v tamarinde. Tieto zlúčeniny eliminujú voľné radikály vo vašom tele a tým nepriamo znižujú obsah melanínu v pokožke (5).
3. Môže pomôcť pri redukcii hmotnosti
Obezita súvisí so srdcom, pečeňou, obličkami a niekoľkými metabolickými poruchami. Vedci v štúdiách na potkanoch skúmali vplyv tamarindu na reguláciu hmotnosti a obezitu. Zistilo sa, že tamarindová buničina znižuje zlý cholesterol (LDL) a zvyšuje obsah dobrého cholesterolu (HDL) v plazme (6).
Tento účinok proti obezite bol pozorovaný, keď potkany na diéte s vysokým obsahom tukov dostávali perorálne počas 5 týždňov 5, 25 alebo 50 mg / kg tamarindovej buničiny. Táto štúdia tiež viedla k úbytku telesnej hmotnosti u týchto potkanov (6).
Okrem toho tento extrakt znižoval aktivitu syntázy mastných kyselín (FAS). FAS je enzým, ktorý podporuje tvorbu tukového tkaniva vo vašom tele. Zabraňuje tiež oxidácii lipidov voľnými radikálmi. Štúdia na potkanoch preukázala antioxidačné vlastnosti aj tohto extraktu (6).
Extrakt by mohol vyvolať priaznivé účinky u potkanov vyvolaných obezitou. Sú potrebné ďalšie štúdie, aby sa zistilo, aké ďalšie zlúčeniny v rastline prispievajú k tejto výhode.
4. Môže zmierniť bolesť žalúdka a zápchu
Tamarind sa tradične používa ako preháňadlo, pretože má vysoké množstvo kyseliny jablčnej a vínnej. Tamarind tiež obsahuje bitartarát draselný, ktorý spolu s ďalšími účinnými látkami zmierňuje zápchu (7).
Zápcha a hnačka často spôsobujú bolesti brucha. Preukázalo sa, že extrakty z kôry a koreňa tamarindu sú účinné pri liečbe bolesti žalúdka. V Nigérii sa namočený tamarind konzumuje pri liečbe zápchy (7).
Rasam je juhoindický prípravok vyrobený z korenia, tamarindu, kmínu, čierneho korenia a horčice. Konzumuje sa s ryžou na podporu trávenia (8).
5. Môže kontrolovať hypertenziu a podporovať zdravie srdca
The dried pulp of tamarind fruits was found to have anti-hypertensive effects. Tamarind pulp has been found to reduce diastolic blood pressure at a dose of 15 mg/kg body weight (9).
Animal studies have demonstrated the anti-atherosclerotic effect of this fruit. Thus, tamarind extract has a high potential to lower the risk of atherosclerosis (clogging of arteries) in humans as well (10).
The fruit extract was able to heal atherosclerotic lesions in hamsters. Moreover, active tamarind molecules possess anti-inflammatory effects. They can tone down the severity of atherosclerosis and several cardiovascular diseases (10).
6. May Help Manage Diabetes and Hyperglycemia
Tamarind brought down the blood sugar levels in diabetic rats. This fruit could neutralize hyperglycemia even in rats that had severe diabetes (10), (11).
One of the major causes of diabetes is inflammation of pancreatic cells, especially those cells that produce insulin (beta cells). Since tamarind can inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals like TNF alpha, it can protect the pancreas from inflammation-induced damage (11), (12).
The seeds of this fruit can boost the neogenesis (production of new cells) of pancreatic beta cells. This may restore the ability to produce required amounts of insulin in patients with diabetes (10), (12).
7. Can Help Prevent Malaria And Microbial Diseases
Tamarind has been used as a febrifuge (fever control medicine) in traditional medicine. African tribes in Ghana use the leaves of tamarind to treat malaria (10).
This fruit also has a broad-spectrum of antimicrobial properties (10).
Extracts of tamarind have shown significant inhibitory effect against Burkholderia pseudomallei , Klebsiella pneumoniae,Salmonella paratyphi , Bacillus subtilis , Salmonella typhi , and Staphylococcus aureus (10).
Various parts of this plant have been used to cure malaria. Similar fevers caused due to bacterial infections can also be managed with tamarind extracts. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties could play a critical role in such cases.
Did You Know?
Tamarind has proven anti-venom properties. It is widely used as a remedy against snake bites in India.
Its extract prevents edema, hemorrhage, and rapid blood clotting in victims.
Moreover, tamarind seeds can inhibit several enzymes that are involved in venom response in your body (10).
In India and Africa, tamarind is used as an aphrodisiac. Rat studies demonstrated the effect of this fruit extract on sexual drive and arousal. Male rats showed an increase in sperm count and motility.
Tamarind extract has low toxicity and is safe up to an oral dose of 2000 mg/kg (13).
Tamarind is a household name. This sour-sweet fruit is a staple in several cuisines. Its integral place in the kitchen is because of its excellent nutritional value. Check out the next section to find out more.
Nutritional Value of Tamarind
The values in the brackets include the daily value of the particular nutrient the serving of the ingredient meets .
Nutrients | Units | Quantity |
Water | g | 37.68 |
Energy | kcal | 287 |
Energy | kJ | 1200 |
Protein | g | 3.36 |
Total lipid (fat) | g | 0.72 |
Ash | g | 3.24 |
Carbohydrate, by difference | g | 75.00 |
Fiber, total dietary | g | 6.1 |
Sugars, total | g | 46.56 |
Minerals | ||
Calcium, Ca | mg | 89 |
Iron, Fe | mg | 3.36 |
Magnesium, Mg | mg | 110 |
Phosphorus, P | mg | 136 |
Potassium, K | mg | 754 |
Sodium, Na | mg | 34 |
Zinc, Zn | mg | 0.12 |
Copper, Cu | mg | 0.103 |
Selenium, Se | mg | 1.6 |
Vitamins | ||
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid | mg | 4.2 |
Thiamin | mg | 0.514 |
Riboflavin | mg | 0.182 |
Niacin | mg | 2.326 |
Pantothenic acid | mg | 0.172 |
Vitamin (B6) | mg | 0.079 |
Folate, total | mg | 17 |
Folate, food | mg | 17 |
Folate, DFE | µg | 17 |
Choline, total | mg | 10.3 |
Vitamin A, RAE | µg | 2 |
Carotene, beta | µg | 22 |
Vitamin A, IU | IU | 36 |
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) | mg | 0.12 |
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) | µg | 3.4 |
(Source: United States Department of Agriculture)
Tamarind contains a variety of biologically active phytochemical compounds. Predominantly, it contains catechin, epicatechin, proanthocyanidins, apigenin, luteolin, naringenin, taxifolin, eriodictyol, and other phenolic polymers (14).
Tamarind leaf pulp contains pipecolic acid, nicotinic acid, 1-malic acid, geraniol, limonene, pipecolic acid, lupanone, lupeol, orientin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin, cinnamates, serine, pectin, tannins, and glycosides (7).
Tamarind fruits commonly contain tannins, succinic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, and pectin. Its seeds contain campesterol, beta-amyrin, beta-sitosterol, oleic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, and eicosanoic acid. Cellulose, albuminoid amyloids, and phytohemagglutinin were also found in traces (7).
The phytochemicals and nutrients of tamarind act in synergy to produce its miraculous benefits.
Aren’t you excited to use tamarind in your cooking? Here are a few tips on how to use and store tamarind.
How To Use And Store Tamarind
There are various ways you can use tamarind in your cooking.
One of the simplest ways to extract the pulp of this fruit is by soaking it.
- Soak a small piece of tamarind in warm water.
- Leave it in the water for about 10 minutes until it softens. Squeeze and squish the tamarind piece with your fingers.
- Strain the juice and discard the pulp.
The next method takes a bit longer. You will need to soak, refrigerate, and extract the pulp.
- Place a handful of semi-dried tamarind pieces in a glass container that has a lid.
- Pour enough drinking water to immerse the pieces.
- Close the lid and place the container in the refrigerator.
- Leave it overnight. By the next morning, the chunks of tamarind will soften and be ready to use.
- Squeeze sufficient pulp and store the rest of the soft tamarind.
- Cover the container once you are done. Let the rest remain in the refrigerator until it lasts.
Now comes the elaborate and (a little) messier way of extracting the pulp. In this method, you soak, squeeze, and boil the tamarind.
- Add 5-6 ounces of tamarind pieces and 2 cups of water to a microwave-safe bowl.
- Heat it in the microwave for about a minute until the pieces soften.
- Let the contents cool down completely.
- Once cooled, squish out the pulp from the soaked tamarind pieces using your fingers.
- Add small amounts of water and keep squeezing the pulp until the yield ceases.
- You will have a slurry of tamarind pulp in water.
- Run the slurry through a mesh/sieve/strainer to collect the juice in a colander.
- Add more water to the remaining pulp in the sieve and squeeze it to extract the last traces of tamarind juice.
- You should only be left with the fiber and seeds from the fruit when you are done.
- Discard the solid waste and transfer the juice to a saucepan.
- Boil the contents for 1-2 minutes.
- Reduce the heat to a simmer for 5 minutes. The juice should thicken to a soupy-syrupy consistency by now.
- Remove from heat and let it cool completely.
- Pour the fresh tamarind syrup into a clean, sterile jar.
- Refrigerate until the next use.
- Use a clean, dry spoon to take out the tamarind syrup.
- Refrigerate the rest. Don’t leave the spoon/ladle in the bottle.
This way, tamarind extract can last up to three months. If you use tamarind in your cooking every day, the above method is probably the best. It saves you time and effort without compromising on the taste.
You can try the method you prefer and enjoy the benefits of tamarind. Including tamarind in your food can fulfill the recommended daily requirement of several minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium.
Tamarind also has medicinal uses. It could be used in the form of a beverage to treat constipation or fever. Its bark and leaves may also be used to promote wound healing. However, more research is warranted in this regard.
Different Forms Of Tamarind
There are two major forms of tamarind. The most common form is the one that tastes sour. The other form is sweet tamarind that is usually grown in Thailand.
Tamarind can be consumed fresh, both in its ripe or unripe forms. It also can be processed into different products. Tamarind juice has similar benefits, as discussed in this post.
Though tamarind is medicinally very relevant, excess intake can cause problems. In the following section, we will look at the possible side effects of tamarind.
Does Tamarind Have Any Side Effects Or Risks?
The World Health Organization (WHO) considers tamarind fruit to be safe and non-toxic. Rat studies have shown no mortality/toxicity even after the administration of 5000 mg/kg and 3000 mg/kg doses of its extract (15).
However, your kidneys may be affected by mineral overload. It would be better to consult a nutritionist/healthcare provider to decide on the upper limit of tamarind intake for you (15).
There is insufficient data to understand the safety of consuming tamarind for pregnant and nursing women.
Also, if you are on anti hypertensive or anti-diabetic drug medication, it is better to consume only small amounts of this fruit extract. Some may advise you against its usage. However, none of these claims have been proven.
Tamarind is the central ingredient of Indian and several indigenous Asian dishes. Traditional medicine considers this fruit and its parts a remedy for a host of conditions.
Its leaves, fruit, seeds, bark, stems, branches, and flowers (almost every part) have high therapeutic value. The anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, catechins, tannins, polyphenolic acids, minerals, vitamins, sugars, and other phytonutrients make tamarind an ingredient you cannot miss.
Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions
Is it good to eat tamarind every day?
Yes. Tamarind is rich in nutrients, and including it in your everyday diet can improve your health in the long run.
Is tamarind good for sleep?
Some believe that the high magnesium content in tamarind may help promote sleep. The mineral is believed to relax nerves. However, there is lack of scientific evidence to back this up.
Does tamarind help treat kidney stones?
There is no research that links tamarind to treating kidney stones. Excess intake of tamarind may, in fact, overload your kidneys with the minerals.
Is tamarind good for migraine?
There is no scientific backing to prove that tamarind can help migraines.
15 sources
Stylecraze má prísne pokyny pre získavanie zdrojov a spolieha sa na odborné štúdie, akademické výskumné inštitúcie a lekárske asociácie. Vyhýbame sa použitiu terciárnych odkazov. Ďalšie informácie o tom, ako zabezpečujeme presnosť a aktuálnosť nášho obsahu, sa dozviete v našich redakčných pravidlách.- Tamarindus indica: Rozsah skúmaného potenciálu, Pharmacognosy Review, Americká národná knižnica medicíny, Národné ústavy zdravia.
- Extrakt zo semena tamarindu zmierňuje oxidačný stres pečene u artritických potkanov, Food & Function, Americká národná knižnica medicíny, National Institutes of Health.
- Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of a New Tablets Formulation from Tamarindus indica L., Hindawi, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
- Cleansing lotion containing tamarind fruit pulp extract. III. Study of lightening efficacy and skin irritation on Asian skin type, ScienceAsia, CiteSeerX, The Pennsylvania State University.
- Skin Lightening and Sebum Control Efficacy of a Cosmetic Emulsion Containing Extract of Tamarind Seeds on Asian Skin Type, Latin American Journal Of Pharmacy, ResearchGate.
- Antiobesity effect of Tamarindus indica L. pulp aqueous extractin high-fat diet-induced obese rats, Journal of Natural Medicines, Academia.
- Medicinal uses & pharmacological activity of Tamarindus indica, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Academia.
- A Comprehensive Review on Rasam: A South Indian Traditional Functional Food, Pharmacognosy Review, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Effect of Tamarindus indica fruits on blood pressure and lipid-profile in human model: an in vivo approach, Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Tamarindus indica: Extent of explored potential, Pharmacognosy Review, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Anti-inflammatory action of Tamarind seeds reduces hyperglycemic excursion by repressing pancreatic β-cell damage and normalizing SREBP-1c concentration, Pharmaceutical Biology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Effect of Seed Hydromethanolic Extract of Tamarindus indica L. on Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes Mellitus in Rat, American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics, CiteSeerX, The Pennsylvania State University.
- Evaluation of the aphrodisiac potential of a chemically characterized aqueous extract of Tamarindus indica pulp, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Isolation and structure elucidation of phenolic antioxidants from Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) seeds and pericarp, Food and Chemical Toxicology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Six-Month Chronic Toxicity Study of Tamarind Pulp (Tamarindus indica L.) Water Extract, Scientia Pharmaceutica, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.