- Top 10 značiek zeleného čaju v Indii
- 1. Lipton Honey Citrónový zelený čaj
- Pros
- Zápory
- 2. Sypaný zelený čaj Lipton
- Pros
- Zápory
- 3. Organický indický zelený čaj Tulsi, citrónový zázvor
- Pros
- Zápory
- 4. Zelený čaj Girnar, Desi Kahwa
- Pros
- Cons
- 5. Society Tea Premium Green Tea
- Pros
- Cons
- 6. 24 Mantra Tulsi Green Tea
- Pros
- Cons
- 7. Eco Valley Natural Green Tea, Pure Green
- Pros
- Cons
- 8. Typhoo Green Tea
- Pros
- Cons
- 9. Chaiology Himalayan Loose Leaf Green Tea
- Pros
- Cons
- 10. True Elements Spearmint Green Tea
- Pros
- Cons
- Things To Consider When Buying Green Tea
Zelený čaj chytil svet útokom. Ale pri príliš veľkom počte spoločností, ktoré začínajú so svojimi zelenými čajmi, by ste mohli byť stratení pri zisťovaní, ktorá z nich kúpiť.
Aby sme vám uľahčili život, zostavili sme najlepších 10 značiek zeleného čaju, ktoré sú k dispozícii v Indii. Každý z nich má svoje USP. Posuňte sa nadol a zistite, čo všetko ponúkajú!
Top 10 značiek zeleného čaju v Indii
1. Lipton Honey Citrónový zelený čaj
Hneď ako krabičku otvoríte, všimnete si, že zelený čaj Lipton Honey Lemon Green má upokojujúcu arómu. Tento výrobok obsahuje 100 čajových vrecúšok. Teplá šálka tohto čaju je relaxačná, lahodná a hydratačná. Pomocou týchto čajových vrecúšok si môžete pripraviť nulové kalórie z čaju.
Pitie tohto čaju je prospešné pre zdravie srdca a jeho pravidelná konzumácia vám môže poskytnúť aj hydratovanú a žiariacu pokožku. Všetko, čo musíte urobiť, je ponoriť jedno čajové vrecúško do pohára (asi 200 ml) horúcej pitnej vody!
- Vegetariánske
- Jednoduché použitie
- Rozumne ocenený
- Chuť môže pôsobiť umelo.
- Množstvo listov môže byť nízke.
2. Sypaný zelený čaj Lipton
Tieto sypané čajové lístky majú neutrálnu a prírodnú príchuť. Začlenenie tohto zeleného čaju do vášho stravovacieho režimu vás môže chrániť pred kardiovaskulárnymi chorobami.
Zelený čaj Lipton si môžete dať nesladený a bez mlieka. Stačí základné varenie s horúcou vodou. Najlepšie výsledky dosiahnete, ak ho vypijete každé ráno ako prvé.
- Viac množstva
- Chutí lepšie ako mliečny čaj
- Lacné
- Mohli by ste dostať falšovaný produkt.
- Duplicitné pakety sa predávajú za nižšiu cenu.
3. Organický indický zelený čaj Tulsi, citrónový zázvor
Organická India vám prináša jednu z najlepších terapeutických čajových zmesí so zeleným čajom Tulsi, citrónom a zázvorom. Tulsi je známa ako Kráľovná bylín a obsahuje veľké množstvo fytonutrientov a antioxidantov. Tieto zlúčeniny podporujú váš imunitný a kardiovaskulárny systém.
Antioxidanty v listoch tulsi a zelenom čaji chránia vaše telo pred škodlivými voľnými radikálmi. Stručne povedané, zelený čaj tulsi v organickej Indii je najlepším a najjednoduchším detoxikačným nápojom, o aký môžete požiadať! Vďaka ich čajovým vrecúškam je cvičenie bezproblémové a bezproblémové.
- Osviežujúca chuť
- Môžu byť teplé alebo ľadové
- Pitie po obede alebo večeri by mohlo uľahčiť trávenie.
- Môže vyvolať kyslosť
4. Zelený čaj Girnar, Desi Kahwa
Green tea, Desi Kahwa from Girnar, is a unique tea mix with herbs and spices. It contains green tea leaves, black pepper, ginger, tulsi, asafoetida, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, rock salt, and citric acid. This loaded formula works best for a bloated stomach and seasonal cough and cold.
You need to place the Girnar Green Tea, Desi Kahwa bag in an empty cup. Add about 100-120ml of hot water (90°C). Let the tea infuse for 2-3 minutes. Discard the tea bag. Serve it with honey/sugar or unsweetened.
- Comes in different pack sizes
- Has a spicy and strong aroma
- Has high sodium levels
- Might not be suitable for people with hypertension
5. Society Tea Premium Green Tea
Society Tea Premium Green Tea comes as a jar of loose green tea leaves. These leaves brew to give you a flavorful and refreshing cup of tea. The pure long leaves do not possess artificial flavors.
- Cheaper than other brands
- Container may come handy
- Gives a strong, rich taste
- Might be too strong and bitter for some
- Not available in different pack sizes
6. 24 Mantra Tulsi Green Tea
Green tea from 24 Mantra has organic tulsi extracts that help you combat stress. This tea claims to control migraine. 24 Mantra Tulsi green tea bags contain 40% green tea, 20% Rama Tulsi, 20% Krishna Tulsi, and 20% Vana Tulsi organic extracts.
This rejuvenating tulsi green tea builds immunity. It also relieves stress and enhances respiratory health.
- Works on migraine and respiratory health
- Contains certified organic ingredients
- Authentic and balanced taste
- Very strong smell
- Might not feel refreshing
7. Eco Valley Natural Green Tea, Pure Green
Eco Valley Natural Green Tea boasts of 50-100% green tea in its product. It has no added artificial flavors. This green tea comes in unbleached filter paper tea bags. You can make a zero-calorie drink if you don’t add sugar, milk, or honey to this pure green tea.
Green tea from Eco Valley claims to help in weight control and immunity and metabolism improvement, all thanks to its antioxidants!
- Has 50-100% pure green tea leaves
- Staple-free tea bags
- Available in different flavors
- Tastes weird with milk and sugar
- Very thin tea bag material – might tear off easily
8. Typhoo Green Tea
Typhoo green tea is free of preservatives. It has no added sugar or flavors. This green tea is packed with antioxidants and unique catechins. These active molecules make a perfect cup of tea with a gentle touch of goodness.
You can enjoy this tea after meals or anytime during the day. Just dip a tea bag in a cup (100 ml) of hot water, and you’re set!
- No preservatives
- 100-year old iconic British brand
- May help in weight loss
- Mild flavor
- Can’t reuse tea bags
9. Chaiology Himalayan Loose Leaf Green Tea
It has exclusively long green tea leaves that are hand-plucked from Himalayan tea plantations. Chaiology Himalayan Loose Leaf Green Tea gives you a mellow, energizing, and calming feel. It is rich in flavonoids and has a delicate aroma and fresh lingering aftertaste.
This green tea promises overall health benefits when consumed daily. Brew a spoonful of Himalayan loose leaves in 100-200 ml boiling water. Steep it and enjoy!
- Good packaging – preserves freshness
- Mild – ideal for green tea beginners
- Less product makes many cups of tea
- Flavor and taste could be too mild.
10. True Elements Spearmint Green Tea
True Elements Spearmint Green Tea is one of the best teas to combat bad breath (halitosis). The spearmint gives a blast of flavor and therapeutic benefits to this product. This spearmint green tea makes for an excellent detox drink and is a good source of antioxidants and vitamins.
This tea has antibacterial and heart health-protective properties. And guess what, True Elements Spearmint Green Tea is free of menthol! You can have this tea at any time of the day.
- Has minerals
- Might aid digestion
- Good packaging
- Might not be effective as per claims
- Overpowering mint taste
Check out the next section to find out what factors to consider when buying green tea.
Things To Consider When Buying Green Tea
- Color
The original color of the green tea leaves should be green as it does not oxidize like regular tea. When you brew the green tea leaves, they should give you green-colored tea. Brown or black colored leaves are produced when the tea is not processed correctly.
- Loose Tea Leafs
Consider opting for whole or loose green tea. Loose green tea is more effective and tastes richer as the essential green tea oils remain intact. On the other hand, green tea bags contain dust and fanning that reduce its quality and benefits.
- Freshness
Buy fresh green tea that has been plucked and processed by the tea grower. Packed green tea might be low in taste and benefits. These commercial products go through several traders, brokers, and wholesalers before getting packed and supplied to you, which affects their quality.
- Quality
Ensure to check the origin of the green tea and quality certification. Also, buy it directly from the green tea growers as they maintain certain quality standards and sell only genuine products.
That’s our list of the best green tea brands available currently in the market.
All you need to do next is – pick your favorite(s), brew a batch, sit back and relax!
Remember the rule of thumb for making green tea: smaller the tea leaves, shorter the brewing time.
Also, storing the tea bags in the right way makes a big difference to the taste. Here are a few tips:
- Don’t expose the bags to air. The tea might go stale or make it lose its flavor.
- Sunlight can degrade the tea leaves, both the color and flavor. Store the bags or loose leaves in a cool, dry, and dark place/bottles.
- The tea leaves readily absorb moisture, which can make the tea taste bitter when you brew it. Keeping the container dry is key.
Store your tea supplies in an airtight container, away from light and moisture. This ensures you have a constant supply of fresh and healthy green tea.
Hope you found what you were looking for about green tea. Leave your feedback, suggestions, and queries about this read in the comments box below.
Until next time, happy brewing!