- Najlepšie sa natiahnite, aby ste sa zbavili bolesti v hornej časti chrbta
- 1. Pectoralis Stretch (úsek stojacej steny)
- 2. Predĺženie hrudníka
- 3. Posunutie ramena na stenu (otáčanie ramena)
- Prečo to funguje
- 4. Škapuliarové stlačenie
- 5. Mid-Trap Exercise – Prone Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
- 6. Thoracic Stretch – Rolling Spine
- 7. Quadruped Arm And Leg Raise
- 8. Rowing Exercise
- 9. Cobra Pose
- 10. Downward Dog Pose
- 11. Posture Correction
- 12. Thread The Needle
- Prevention Tips
- What Causes Upper Back Pain?
- Signs And Symptoms
- Risk Factors
- Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
- 3 zdroje
Sklonili ste sa, aby ste niečo zobrali a pocítili ste ostrú bolesť v hornej časti chrbta? Zhoršuje bolesť aj jednoduché veci, napríklad zdvihnutie pohára. Aj keď bolesť v hornej časti chrbta nie je taká častá ako bolesť v dolnej časti chrbta, nie je o nič menej bolestivá. Dobrou správou je, že existuje niekoľko úsekov, ktoré môžu pomôcť zmierniť bolesti v hornej časti chrbta. Pokračujte v čítaní a dozviete sa viac o týchto úsekoch.
Najlepšie sa natiahnite, aby ste sa zbavili bolesti v hornej časti chrbta
1. Pectoralis Stretch (úsek stojacej steny)
To môže pomôcť pri uvoľnení napnutých ramenných a chrbtových svalov.
Čo musíte urobiť
- Postavte sa na dĺžku paže od steny.
- Zatlačte dlane na stenu na úrovni ramien.
- Nakloňte sa smerom k stene hornou časťou tela, ale bez pohybu dlaní.
- V tejto polohe vydržte 5-10 sekúnd.
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2. Predĺženie hrudníka
Cvičenie na rozšírenie hrudníka pomáha napínať svaly chrbta (1). Preto môžu pomôcť pri znižovaní bolesti v hornej časti chrbta.
Čo musíte urobiť
- Kľaknite si pred lavičku.
- Lakte položte na lavicu tak, aby boli od seba vzdialené na šírku ramien.
- Kľaknite si dostatočne ďaleko od lavice, aby ste mali dostatok priestoru na prepadnutie hrudníka cez ruky a predĺženie chrbtice.
- S pevne položenými kolenami na zemi stlačte hrudník k zemi a lakte zaťažte.
- Predĺžte si chrbticu čo najviac.
- V pozícii vydržte 5-10 sekúnd.
- Vráťte sa do východiskovej polohy.
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3. Posunutie ramena na stenu (otáčanie ramena)
ty trúbka
Tento strečing funguje skvele pre biceps, plecia a hornú časť chrbta. Môže pomôcť zmierniť bolesť spôsobenú natiahnutím svalov.
Čo musíte urobiť
- Postavte sa o stenu tak, aby sa vás dotýkali glutety, ramenami a hlavou.
- Ruky vytiahnite do strán a dotýkajte sa steny o 90 stupňov.
- Nakreslite brušné svaly smerom k chrbtici.
- Zdvihnite ruky nad hlavu, zatiaľ čo lopatky a ruky sú priložené k stene.
- Nepokrčte plecami, nehrbte sa a nedovoľte klenbe krížov.
- V tejto polohe vydržte asi 5 sekúnd a potom sa vráťte do pôvodnej polohy.
Prečo to funguje
Tento strečový pás funguje skvele na vaše bicepsy, plecia a hornú časť chrbta. Môže pomôcť zmierniť bolesť spôsobenú namáhaním svalov.
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4. Škapuliarové stlačenie
ty trúbka
Scapular squeeze aims at stretching the scapulae that include muscles as well as bones. This stretch increases the strength and flexibility of the scapulae.
What You Have To Do
- Stand tall with your back straight.
- Pull your shoulder blades towards your back but slightly lower such that your elbows are pulled back and inward.
- Hold the position for about 5 seconds.
- Return to the initial position.
- If you go to a gym, you may try out the seated cable rows and barbell rows as they serve the same purpose.
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5. Mid-Trap Exercise – Prone Shoulder Horizontal Abduction
It is believed that mid-trap exercises often concentrate on the middle trapezius muscles. They may help in increasing the flexibility and strength of these muscles. However, there is no scientific research to back this claim.
What You Have To Do
- Lie flat on your front on an elevated surface, such as a single bed.
- Allow your arms to rest on either side in a ‘T’.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades as you lift one of your arms to its maximum.
- Lower your arms and repeat.
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6. Thoracic Stretch – Rolling Spine
Thoracic stretches, like the rolling spine, may help in stretching the thoracic area. This may help in relieving tight and painful muscles.
What You Have To Do
- Lie down on a mat with your knees at right angles to the floor, and your palms flat on the mat.
- Raise your head and slowly pull your knees toward your abdomen.
- Rock back and forth slowly, such that you are rolling your spine, one vertebra at a time.
- Go back to the initial position and repeat.
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7. Quadruped Arm And Leg Raise
The quadruped arm and leg raise helps strengthen the core and gives proper alignment to the spine (2).
What You Have To Do
- Sit on your hands and knees on a yoga or exercise mat. Your arms should be just below your shoulders, and your knees right below your hips.
- Extend one leg and the arm opposite to it such that it is aligned with your body.
- Return to the initial position and complete the repetitions.
- Repeat for the other leg and arm.
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8. Rowing Exercise
Rowing is great for your arms, legs, core, and back. It may help in strengthening the muscles and promote flexibility.
What You Have To Do
- Sit erect with your legs and arms straight out.
- Pull your elbows back downwards.
- Move your body back and forth so that you are leaning slightly back when you pull your arms towards the chest.
- You can also fully bend your knees to the “catch” position as you complete a full stroke.
- Move back to the initial position and repeat.
- You can also carry out this workout at a gym.
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9. Cobra Pose
Cobra pose is believed to be effective in reducing pain. This may help in strengthening the entire back and shoulders.
What You Have To Do
- Lie flat on your stomach on a yoga mat.
- Plant your toes on the floor, with your forehead resting on the ground.
- Keep your feet together, with your heels slightly touching each other.
- Place your hands under your shoulders, and keep your elbows close to your torso.
- Take a deep breath and slowly lift your chest, head, and abdomen while your navel is still touching the ground.
- Pull your torso back with your weight on your hands.
- Arch your back as far as possible and then tilt your head and look up.
15-30 seconds
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10. Downward Dog Pose
It may help in strengthening your bones and muscles and alleviates back pain.
What You Have To Do
- Get on your fours on the floor. Your knees should be right below your hips, and your arms a little in front of your shoulders.
- Spread your palms and toes on the ground.
- Take a deep breath and exhale as you lift your knees away from the floor.
- Initially, keep your knees half bent and lift the heels away from the floor.
- Lengthen your tailbone away from your pelvis and towards your pubis.
- Push your thighs back and forth along with your heels.
- Straighten your knees slightly, but don’t lock them.
- Firm the thighs, arms, and the shoulder blades.
1-3 minutes
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11. Posture Correction
This stretch may help in correcting your posture, which is one of the many triggers of upper back pain (3).
What You Have To Do
- Kneel on your right knee and place your left foot on the floor.
- Place both your hands on the left thigh and bend your hip forward until you feel a stretch in your hip flexors.
- Contract your abdominal muscles and tilt your pelvis back slightly.
- Keep your chin parallel to the ground.
- Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
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12. Thread The Needle
This pose may help relieve stiffness and pain in the upper back.
What You Have To Do
- Place your elbows right under your shoulders, and your knees under your hips. Keep your head in a neutral position in the center.
- As you exhale, slide your right arm underneath the left arm as your palm faces upwards.
Your right shoulder should touch the mat.
- As you rest your right ear and cheek against the mat, gaze towards your left.
Your left elbow should be lifted, and your hips raised. Don’t press your entire weight on your head.
- Adjust your position such that you don’t strain your neck or shoulder.
- Allow your upper back to broaden and your lower back to relax.
- Hold this position for a minute and then release the pose.
- Repeat on the other side.
1-2 minutes
In addition to these stretches, here are a few tips that may help in dealing with upper back pain and prevent its recurrence.
Prevention Tips
- Practice good posture, be it at work or at home.
- Exercise regularly.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Manage your stress levels.
Listed below are the causes of upper back pain.
What Causes Upper Back Pain?
A variety of factors may trigger back pain, like:
- Strain or injury to the back muscles due to overuse
- Poor posture
- A pinched nerve in the spine or close to the ribs
- Fractured backbone
- Damaged or displaced spinal disc (Herniated disc)
- Osteoarthritis, which causes the cartilage protecting the bones to wear down
- A chronic pain disorder called myofascial pain syndrome caused by the repetitive contraction of the muscles.
- Issues with the gallbladder, such as gallstones
- Pain between the shoulder blades
The sensation of pain in the upper back may vary from one person to another. Here are some common symptoms associated with upper back pain.
Signs And Symptoms
The pain that occurs is often described in the following terms:
- Stiffness
- Aching
- Sharp
- Burning
- Crampy
Upper back pain may result from mild to severe factors. It may be the result of something as minute as the overuse of the back muscles to something as serious as cancer (3).
Let us now look at the factors that put an individual at a higher risk of developing upper back pain.
Risk Factors
The risk factors for upper back pain include:
- Advancing age
- Weak muscles
- Obesity
- Underlying medical conditions, like sciatica, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, or even cancer.
- Smoking
A combination of the tips and stretches mentioned above may alleviate your upper back pain to a certain extent. However, consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pain if it persists.
Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions
How should I sleep with upper back pain?
Určité polohy pri spánku môžu pomôcť zlepšiť bolesť chrbta. Skúste na podporu spať s vankúšom medzi nohami alebo pod nimi. Tí, ktorí spia na boku, môžu vankúš držať medzi kolenami a priťahovať ho k svojej hrudi. Môžete tiež použiť terapeutické vankúše, ktoré udržia krk v správnej polohe.
Pomáhajú masáže bolesti v hornej časti chrbta?
Áno, určité terapeutické masáže môžu zmierniť príznaky bolesti chrbta a tiež zlepšiť rozsah vášho pohybu.
3 zdroje
Stylecraze má prísne pokyny pre získavanie zdrojov a spolieha sa na odborné štúdie, akademické výskumné inštitúcie a lekárske asociácie. Vyhýbame sa použitiu terciárnych odkazov. Ďalšie informácie o tom, ako zabezpečujeme presnosť a aktuálnosť nášho obsahu, sa dozviete v našich redakčných pravidlách.- Yoo, Won-gyu. “Effect of thoracic stretching, thoracic extension exercise and exercises for cervical and scapular posture on thoracic kyphosis angle and upper thoracic pain.” Journal of physical therapy science 25.11 (2013): 1509-1510.
- Hajihosseini, Elham, et al. “The effects of strengthening, stretching and comprehensive exercises on forward shoulder posture correction.” Physical Treatments-Specific Physical Therapy Journal 4.3 (2014): 123-132.
- Deyo, Richard A., and Andrew K. Diehl. “Cancer as a cause of back pain.” Journal of general internal medicine 3.3 (1988): 230-238.