- Čo spôsobuje vredy na vnútorných stehnách?
- 12 prírodných spôsobov, ako sa zbaviť vriedkov na vnútorných stranách stehien
- 1. Olej z čajovníkového oleja
- Budete potrebovať
- Čo musíte urobiť
- Ako často by ste to mali robiť
- 2. Kurkuma
- Budete potrebovať
- Čo musíte urobiť
- Ako často by ste to mali robiť
- 3. Epsomská soľ
- Budete potrebovať
- Čo musíte urobiť
- Ako často by ste to mali robiť
- 4. Jablčný ocot
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 5. Garlic
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 6. Onion
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 7. Aloe Vera
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 8. Vinegar
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 9. Black Seed Oil
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 10. Echinacea
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 11. Neem
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- 12. Potatoes
- You Will Need
- What You Have To Do
- How Often You Should Do This
- Prevention Tips
- 18 zdrojov
Vriedky na vnútornej strane stehien sú spôsobené zápalom vlasových folikulov pod kožou. Je to spôsobené infekciou spôsobenou baktériami Staphylococcus aureus . Akákoľvek poškodená oblasť pokožky (v dôsledku poškriabania, oholenia alebo poškriabania) je náchylná na tvorbu vriedkov, najmä v citlivých oblastiach vnútorných strán stehien. Vriedky sa nazývajú furuncles a môžu svrbieť a uvoľňovať hnis.
V tomto článku sa budeme zaoberať príčinami vredov na vnútornej strane stehna, niektorými prírodnými prostriedkami na zvládnutie príznakov a ľahkými spôsobmi, ako im zabrániť.
Kliknutím sem zobrazíte zväčšenú verziu tejto infografiky.
Čo spôsobuje vredy na vnútorných stehnách?
Ľudské bytosti všeobecne nesú baktérie Staphylococcus aureus na povrchu kože. Ak dôjde k porezaniu alebo poškriabaniu na koži, tieto baktérie získajú prístup k vlasovým folikulom. Usadia sa a začnú sa množiť vo vlasových folikuloch, čo spôsobí infekciu. To vedie k vzniku vriedkov v oblastiach, ako je vaše vnútorné stehno. Oslabený imunitný systém a stavy, ako je cukrovka, niekedy spôsobujú, že ľudia sú náchylní na vznik vredov (1).
Teraz si ukážeme niekoľko jednoduchých prírodných liekov, ktoré vám môžu pomôcť zvládnuť vredy na vnútorných stehnách.
12 prírodných spôsobov, ako sa zbaviť vriedkov na vnútorných stranách stehien
- Čajovníkový olej
- Kurkuma
- Epsom soľ
- Jablčného octu
- Cesnak
- Cibuľa
- Aloe Vera
- Ocot
- Olej z čiernych semien
- Echinacea
- Neem
- Zemiaky
1. Olej z čajovníkového oleja
Antimikrobiálna aktivita oleja z čajovníkového oleja môže bojovať proti baktériám, ktoré spôsobujú infekciu vo vlasovom folikule. Tento éterický olej tiež pomáha znižovať jazvy, ktoré po sebe zanechávajú vriedky (2).
Budete potrebovať
- 1-3 kvapky oleja z čajovníkového oleja
- 1 lyžica kokosového oleja
- Vatový tampón
Čo musíte urobiť
- Pridajte pár kvapiek oleja z čajovníkového oleja do lyžice kokosového oleja a dobre premiešajte.
- Vatový tampón namočte do zmesi a naneste ju do varu.
- Uistite sa, že sa použitý vatový tampón nedotýka žiadnej neinfikovanej časti tela a zlikvidujte ho.
Ako často by ste to mali robiť
Opakujte niekoľkokrát počas dňa, zakaždým použite čerstvý vatový tampón.
2. Kurkuma
Podľa štúdie ukázal kurkumín v kurkume vysoký potenciál pôsobenia ako antibiotikum proti rôznym bakteriálnym kmeňom (3). Ďumbier má protizápalové vlastnosti a môže pomôcť pri liečbe varu v kombinácii s kurkumou (4).
Budete potrebovať
- 1 lyžica kurkumového prášku
- 1/2 lyžice drveného koreňa zázvoru
- Voda
Čo musíte urobiť
- Zmiešajte kurkumový prášok a drvený zázvor s vodou, aby ste vytvorili pastu. Na výrobu pasty môžete tiež použiť namiesto vody kokosový olej.
- Dôkladne si umyte ruky a naneste túto pastu prstami na infikovanú oblasť. Necháme zaschnúť.
- Miesto asi po 15 minútach umyte.
Ako často by ste to mali robiť
Pre rýchlu úľavu to robte 2-3 krát denne.
3. Epsomská soľ
Teplá voda je relaxačná a skvelá pre boľavé stehná. Podporuje tiež krvný obeh a pomáha pri vyrážkach (5). Epsomová soľ (síran horečnatý) vykazuje osmotické pôsobenie a inhibuje rast baktérií zodpovedných za vredy (6).
Budete potrebovať
- 2 lyžice epsomskej soli
- Miska horúcej vody
- Mäkká handrička
Čo musíte urobiť
- Do horúcej vody pridáme epsomskú soľ a dobre ju premiešame.
- Namočte handričku do tejto vody. Vyžmýkajte prebytočnú vodu a handričku položte na postihnuté miesto.
- Nechajte pôsobiť, kým utierka neklesne na izbovú teplotu.
- Prípadne môžete napustiť vaňu teplou vodou a zmiešať v nej šálku epsomskej soli. Namočte do nej relaxačný zážitok.
Ako často by ste to mali robiť
Toto opakujte niekoľkokrát počas dňa.
4. Jablčný ocot
Apple cider vinegar is a well-known antimicrobial agent. It can help kill the bacteria that cause infection in the hair follicles and restores the pH level of the skin (7).
You Will Need
- Apple cider vinegar
- Cotton pad
What You Have To Do
- Soak a cotton pad in the ACV, squeeze out the excess, and place it on the boil.
- Leave it on for about 10 minutes.
How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this a couple of times during the day. Use a fresh cotton pad every time.
5. Garlic
Garlic juice possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of sulfur-rich compounds (8). This makes it suitable to manage the symptoms of inner thigh boils.
You Will Need
2-3 garlic cloves
What You Have To Do
- Crush the garlic and squeeze it to extract the juice.
- Apply this on the boil on your inner thigh and let it dry.
- Do not rinse it off. Let the garlic juice work on the boil.
How Often You Should Do This
Apply this 2 times a day.
6. Onion
Like garlic, onion contains sulfur-rich compounds with antimicrobial properties (9). It also contains flavonoids and antioxidants that heal and protect the skin (10).
You Will Need
- Onion slices
- Surgical tape
What You Have To Do
- Place the onion slice on the affected area and secure it in place with surgical tape.
- Leave it on for a few hours.
How Often You Should Do This
Replace the slice with a fresh one every few hours.
7. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is an effective home remedy for boils as it can provide relief from pain and speed up the healing process. It also possesses antiseptic properties that can combat any infection in the affected area (11).
You Will Need
Aloe vera gel
What You Have To Do
- Snap a leaf in half and collect the sap.
- Apply aloe gel on those painful bumps and leave it on.
- Alternatively, you can also use aloe gel bought at a drugstore on the boils.
How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this 2-3 times a day.
8. Vinegar
Vinegar works as an antimicrobial agent (12). Lemon juice and honey possess antimicrobial properties (13), (14). Honey also acts as an emollient and soothes the skin.
You Will Need
- 1 teaspoon white vinegar
- 1/2 teaspoon honey
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
What You Have To Do
- Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture on the boils.
- Wait 30-40 minutes after application and wash with warm water.
How Often You Should Do This
Apply this paste 2 times a day.
9. Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil is derived from the Nigella sativa plant and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties (15). Thus, black seed oil can be useful in treating inner thigh boils.
You Will Need
- 1/2 teaspoon black seed oil
- A cup of hot or cold beverage
What You Have To Do
Add the oil to the beverage and drink it. Fruit juices or green tea are the best options for the beverage.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink this 2 times a day.
10. Echinacea
Echinacea is known for its immunity-boosting properties, which enhance the body’s response to different infections (16). It also possesses antimicrobial properties that can help fight the infection that leads to boils by eliminating harmful bacteria from the body.
You Will Need
- 1-2 tablespoons echinacea herb
- A cup of hot water
What You Have To Do
- Add the echinacea to the cup of water and let the herb steep for a few minutes.
- Strain and drink this herbal tea.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink 2-3 cups a day.
11. Neem
Neem has antimicrobial properties and anti-inflammatory properties (17). These can help reduce swelling and associated pain around the boil.
You Will Need
- A handful of fresh neem leaves
- Water
- Gauze or bandage
What You Have To Do
- Crush and grind the neem leaves with water to get a smooth paste.
- Apply a layer of this on the boil and cover with gauze.
- Change the dressing after a couple of hours using a fresh piece of gauze.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this until the boil heals.
12. Potatoes
Potatoes possess antibacterial properties. Scientists have identified several compounds in potato tubers that act as antibiotics and antimicrobial agents (18). These properties may make potato a suitable remedy for inner thigh boils.
You Will Need
- 1 small raw potato
- Cotton ball
What You Have To Do
- Peel and grate the potato. Squeeze out its juice.
- Soak a cotton ball in the potato juice and apply it liberally to the boil. Let the boil be covered in the potato juice for a few minutes.
- Rinse with clean water.
How Often You Should Do This
Repeat this 3-4 times a day.
Here are a few tips to prevent the occurrence of inner thigh boils as it is important to practice good hygiene.
Prevention Tips
- Do not share personal items, such as razors and other such items that may have come in contact with others.
- Wash your hands thoroughly several times a day.
- Items and belongings, such as towels, compresses, and any clothing that is likely to come in contact with the affected area, must be washed properly.
- Use soap, hot water, and a hot dryer while washing or rinsing your personal items of clothing.
- Keep the wound of a drained boil covered with a dry bandage until it heals. You could also use a wide bandage to prevent irritation from chafing.
- Keep the boil clean and dry by changing the bandages frequently.
Vredy na vnútornej strane stehien sa dajú zmierniť pomocou prírodných domácich metód. Za deň vypite asi osem pohárov vody, aby ste zlepšili krvný obeh a znížili infekciu vlasových folikulov. Ak vriedky neustupujú, poraďte sa so svojím lekárom, aby zistili základnú príčinu.
18 zdrojov
Stylecraze má prísne pokyny pre získavanie zdrojov a spolieha sa na odborne preskúmané štúdie, akademické výskumné inštitúcie a lekárske asociácie. Vyhýbame sa použitiu terciárnych odkazov. Ďalšie informácie o tom, ako zabezpečujeme presnosť a aktuálnosť nášho obsahu, sa dozviete v našich redakčných pravidlách.- Boils and carbuncles: Overview, Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Healthcare, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties, Clinical Microbiology Review, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Antibacterial Action of Curcumin against Staphylococcus aureus : A Brief Review, Journal of Tropical Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Impact of hydrotherapy on skin blood flow: How much is due to moisture and how much is due to heat?, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, ResearchGate.
- CARBUNCLE AND ITS TREATMENT BY MAGNESIUM SULPHATE, BMJ, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Antimicrobial activity of apple cider vinegar against Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans ; downregulating cytokine and microbial protein expression, Scientific Reports, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects, Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- The antimicrobial activity of garlic and onion extracts, Die Pharmacy, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Comparison of antioxidant activities of onion and garlic extracts by inhibition of lipid peroxidation and radical scavenging activity, Food Chemistry, ScienceDirect.
- ALOE VERA: A SHORT REVIEW, Indian Journal of Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Vinegar: Medicinal Uses and Antiglycemic Effect, Medscape General Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Phytochemical, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of different citrus juice concentrates, Food Science & Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Medicinal and cosmetic uses of Bee’s Honey – A review, AYU, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa : A miracle herb, APJTCB, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Applications of the Phytomedicine Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) in Infectious Diseases, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- The antimicrobial activity of Azadirachta indica , Mimusops elengi , Tinospora cardifolia , Ocimum sanctum and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate on common endodontic pathogens: An in vitro study, European Journal of Dentistry, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.
- Protease Inhibitors from Plants with Antimicrobial Activity, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, Natioanl Institutes of Health.